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Antimicrobial fabric

We've developed an innovative approach to enhance the antimicrobial characteristics of fabrics, with a specific focus on preventing the spread of fungi. While copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) are recognized for their antimicrobial prowess, their ability to impede fungal growth when applied directly to fabric surfaces has been less than satisfactory, despite showing strong antibacterial effects.

Our breakthrough came from embedding these copper nanoparticles within hydrogel composite layers. Hydrogels, which are networks of polymer chains that can hold water, turn out to not only be excellent carriers for the nanoparticles but also significantly boost their antifungal capabilities. This is because the hydrogel matrix improves the release of copper ions from the nanoparticles, which is key to fighting fungal growth.

Our findings highlight the importance of selecting the right supporting materials for metal nanoparticles to increase ion release, which can substantially improve antifungal properties. This advancement can have practical applications in preventing fungal infections in both animals and plants, showcasing a promising step forward in antimicrobial technology.

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